Yaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Ganamos el primer partido!!! So, woke up eaaarly to get to a place with a huge outside screen to watch the game with everyone. Soooo fun!! There were tons of people, yelling, chanting, swearing, I have never heard so many conche su madres in my life! Then after the game everyone took to the streets and basically blocked off traffic and headed towards plaza italia, the place everyone goes to celebrate things I guess? YAAAAY VIVA CHILE!
I am getting really really sad about leaving. I realized I leave on the 19th instead of the 20th and for some reason that seems a lot closer even though it is just one day. It is going to be so sad to leave here. I feel like I live here!! Time is passing so fast, especially because I have soooo much work to do! All in all, like 30 pages to write, and hundreds of pages to read and tests and presentations! Well here is a little glimpse into my life in Chile:

plaza italia!!!


throwing people in the air on a huge flag!

taking to the streets!!
Bye chiquillos love yaaaa VAMOS CHILE
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