Hola mis amores!
So I haven't written in awhile, so prepare yourself for a long post (you can always just find interesting looking parts, i wont be offended) SOoOoo...What have I been doing? Wednesday night I have no idea what I did it was too long ago, but THURS night it was one of the girls on the program's birthday, so we all (twenty of us and few dominican amigos) went to a restaurant to give her a surprise dinner/crazy man singing karoke party! She thought she was going to a friend's family event, but no! So yes, more about this karoke. First of all, the thing you have to know about karoke here is that about 94% of dominicans are really good at singing, wtf. Or they just sing their hearts out and thus, sound a lot better than timid retards in america/drunkards. So yes, there are karoke nights in a lot of places because everyone loves to sing, and theyre good at it. Anyways..point is, there was a guy probs around 50ies singing his heart out opera style and like he would only sing love songs and he was sing them looking at all the pretty americans and when porsha (thebday girl) finally came, he went right to her side and was sing i love you i love you (english w/heavy accent), te amo te amo (keep in mind opera style) it was HILARIOUS. After that we all went out to las discotecas and danced the night
away! It is also really fun to dance here because everyone has been dancing since they were babies so they are all really good and the music is fun and WOO!
Then friday I left for un retiro de trabajo (work retreat) for 3 days in the campo (country)! We have several work retreats scheduled, maybe just two, and they are optional, but I am def going on every single one. It is a really good opportunity to see how the majority of dominicans live because the vast majority live in the campo, not in the cities. So we went to a pueblo called los brazos way high up in the mountains, SO BEAUTIFUL. I tried to take pictures out the window, but i dont know how to make it so its not blurry, so it didnt really work, but the ride there was amazing, I have never seen a landscape like the one they have here.
So we went to this place called el jardín de los niños, the garden of kids, and basically this french-canadian woman has adopted 22 children, and also started a free public school for other children in the campo! Pretty awesome. We went there to help repaint the school house, make murals, paint the chairs, etc It was so fun! They live right by a river, we got to play with cute little kids, swim, and do art! and eat really good food! But yeah, you will see from my pictures that there were def scary bugs and things, but the good outweighed the bad by far.
Superfun, got back yesterday, went out with mis amigos, came back and fell into a deep dreamless sleep. haha then this morning the mission was to find my supplies for sculpture class. I was with two other girls on the same mission, but one for painting class. uuuugh. In summary, we walked all the way to one place only to get directions to go back in the long hot sweaty direction we had just come, then we go from store to store trying to talk in spanish and figure out whats what. Finally we get to a legit art supply store (the first few ones were like weird school supply things) and turns out they are basically out of everything we need so we have to come back friday. AAA! I have my escupltura class tomorrow at ten and all I have to show for myself is the ugliest apron ever and a plastic bag... hahah it is so weird sometimes being the foreign kid. Btw, my class has four other people in it, 3 dominicans, 1 other american, so the semester should be interesting. Then I was sooo tired after all that walking but for some reason could not fall into my siesta, then I had class from 4 to 9 blaaah. I dont want to do school!!! I guess I'm learning, but it is kind of hard when you are learning about events that happened long time ago with all different groups of people and countries and dates involved IN SPANISH. All the professors are really nice though.
Now for some pictures!
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